Below error i am getting while executing workflow
### Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (DMS_SP.ACT_FK_VAR_PROCINST) violated - parent key not found
### The error may involve org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.VariableInstanceEntity.insertVariableInstance-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: insert into ACT_RU_VARIABLE (ID_, REV_, TYPE_, NAME_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, TASK_ID_, BYTEARRAY_ID_, DOUBLE_, LONG_ , TEXT_, TEXT2_) values ( ?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
### Cause: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ACT_FK_VAR_PROCINST) violated - parent key not found
After dropping, recreating table this issue got resolved . is this is a bug in Activiti. We are using Activiti 5.17. We don't have async activiti.