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parallelGateway use just one lane

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have a parallelgateway and two lanes. The first lane has two userTasks and then the end of the paralelGateway.
The other lane has at first a XOR, one lane has a userTask and reached then the end of the XOR. The other lane reached the end of the XOR. The end of the XOR is connected with the end of the parallelgateway. The end of the parallelgateway is connected with an userTask and then to the endEvent.
The problem is, that the activiti explorer just go to the first both usertasks and end at the end of the parallelgateway and then stops. No error message.
Here is my code:
I can't find the error and I already tested the gateways.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Could you perhaps add a graphical image of the process and tell what the process actually is supposed to do or what use case to cover?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Unfortunately It's not possible to upload this file here in the forum:
Could not upload attachment to ./files/4026_cef3035493d41f11e3d9db4ec8212dec.

Here Is the link to the picture.

Between the userTask "FirstStep and the second Xor, are a couple of other tasks.

startEvent: input of several variables. include project: yes or no
serviceTask: generate an object with the above created variables
__the first line: two user task with no function
__the second line: XOR compares if project == yes or No
______userTask:showed some variables from the object. input of an other variable
______other userTasks
______XOR: end of Xor
end of parallelGate
UserTask: shows some variables from the object

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Is the process still running? Chould be that the assignee of the task after the parallel-join is wrong, so you don't see any tasks come up. Also, check the database to see what "activity" the Process is waiting in (ACT_RU_EXECUTION) at the time when you notice it's not working.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The process is still runing. No the assignee group is the right one.
I don't know what happens. But after I turned my pc off and on and build my .bar and .jar files again and deployed it. Then it works.
But now I have the same problem with a parallel Gateway which next both parallel tasks are one usertask and one scripttask. the usertaskline (first one) execute correct, but then It stops again at the ending parallelgatewy event. I checked it with the ACT_RU_EXECUTION.
In my scriptTask is nothing special just an "sysout:" and the following usertask is just for "complete Task". I already checked the assignee group, this is correct.
Here a picture:

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
After a reboot is works? Thats really strange. What OS/JDK are you running? Can you perhaps create a failing unit-test for this, so we can reproduce it locally. See the sticky on the forum for guidance on getting a test up and running fast.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I use  jdk1.7.0_06. But the other one with the scriptTask still dosn't work after a restart. I already create a test for the parallelgateway. The test has no errors. It tested if all next tasks which are following after the parallelgateway are starting. In this test everything  is ok. If you want I can send you the bar file and the files which includes the user-groups per e-mail. (you have to tell me which file includes the information about the user-groups for the explorer).

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
A unit-test would be better, so you can isolate the process-logic that is failing…