Short OWD-Configurator help:
Start: launcher.exe of the OWD-Configurator:
File -> New -> select Project - click Next -> insert a Project name: e.g "My OWD" -> Finish (optional you can select another location for your project then the default one)
Right click on your new project: New -> Other -> select: "Folder" -> Next -> click on: "Advanced" - select "Linked Folder" (Link to alternate location) -> Browse -> select the webapp folder of your OpenWorkdesk deploy -> Ok -> Finish
Go to your project: "My OWD" and select/open the folder: \webapp\WEB-INF\conf\ - here you can find all your configuration folders and files - Open \cmis_hr\owplugins.xml and you will see all "plugins" used in OpenWorkdesk - you can delete, add or change the plugins.
Select a plugin and press F1 for configuration help.