I copied org/alfresco/web/ui/repo/component/UIMultiValueEditor.java to com/nkics/alfrescox/web/ui/repo/component/UIMultiValueEditorEx.java and modified the broadcast() method to handle Collections differently.Then I added it to my faces-config-custom.xml <component>
Then I integrated the UIMultiValueEditorEx.class and faces-config-custom.xml into my alfresco.war.When I open a document in document-details.jsp, then click on the edit categories icon (edit-node-categories.jsp), the JSP loads but the Category Selector does not display on the page, and there are absolutely NO errors in the log files, standard out, or on the page. I set a breakpoint on all of the methods and constructors in UIMultiValueEditorEx, and found that JSF is creating an instance of UIMultiValueEditorEx. I just cannot figure out why the component is not rendering on the web page. Can anyone help?