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Outbound Trigger not working

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi Guise,
My requirement is :  All Items that are tried to be deleted from a space, should be moved to a specific folder (space) for approval of deletion.

For this - I have created a rule on the space. Condition - All Items, Action- Add Simple workflow to Item. Type- Outbound.
I also tried to create a rule on the space. Condition - All Items, Action- Move item to specific space. Type- Outbound.

I also changed the "Type" to "Update" instead of "Outbound".

But the file deleted from this space is deleted directly. It is not moved to the specific folder.

Any suggestions ??

Thanks in advance.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
When files are deleted they are by default moved to the archive store.   You can configure the archive behavior, per store and per type if you want.  You can also restore files which are deleted in error.
Is that not sufficient for your requirement ?

One way to implement what you want would be to use a delete policy to prevent any deletes from a certain folder and provide your own "destroy" action that moves the documents to a special folder for controlled distruction.   You could even fire off  a workflow to someone to either confirm or reject the document's distruction.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
So I need to go for customization anyhow..

Anyways, thank you for the answer.
