Hi, i am trying org.activiti.spring.test.components example given in spring distrubution in my application and i have written the following code to start the process Deployment d=repositoryService.createDeployment() .addClasspathResource("autodeploy.b.bpmn20.xml") .deploy(); String processInstanceId = processInitiatingPojo.startProcessA(22);
process definition is getting deployed properly deploymentId i can see the Deployment object d . when starting the process startProcessA function returning null means , i think process is not getting started . and the content of autodeploy.b.bpmn20.xml is
</definitions> and the definition of startProcessA function is . @StartProcess(processKey = "b") public void startProcess(@ProcessVariable("customerId") long customerId) { log.info("starting 'b' with customerId # " + customerId); this.methodState += 1; log.info("up'd the method state"); }
but the same example working well in the spring distribution. Please help me to fix this problem. Thanks in advance…
Hi , thank you very much for the quick reply, I started the process using function call runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("b"); now the process is getting started properly.