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Oracle charging for MySQL - what it means for Alfresco

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
If I am not incorrect, there will be no free version of MySQL that supports InnoDb (a requirement for Alfresco)

How will this affect Alfresco?
Will Postgresql be the main supported database for Community edition?
Will Mysql go enterprise only?

I think one important thing here is to find a migration option mysql -> postgresql.
In version ❤️ one could use Complete repository export/import. Maybe that option should be looked at to re-implement.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Maybe I was to quick to draw conclusions.
Clarifications on Twitter now saying this is only a price change, and that MySQL Community edition still will be available for download, InnoDB included.

But who nows what Oracle is up to next, migration option/path to Postgresql still interesting.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
This question was asked at Alfresco DevCon.

Seems to have been a storm in a tea-cup and a badly written document from Oracle.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Now that the bundled versions of Alfresco now come with PostgresQL, we are looking to see how we can migrate/convert from MySQL to PostgreSQL in version 3.4 (actually Enterprise 3.4.0 to 3.4.1). 

Is it possible to do a complete export and then import as Loftux mentions, but in 3.4, as a means of getting from MySQL to PostgreSQL?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You don't need to switch unless you want to,  I suggest you continue to use MySQL if you are happy with it.