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OpenWorkdesk in YOUR custom language

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
At the moment, OpenWorkdesk (OWD) Community Edition comes in three languages:

- English
- German
- Romanian


The language can be changed by clicking the desired language in the upper right corner of the OWD login screen. For translating OWD, OWD development team introduced keys for every OWD String output, which are listed together with their respective "language" value in a properties file (e.g. for the english language). Those properties files can be found in the oecmlocalize_3000.jar file in the WEB-INFlib folder of your OWD Community Edition deployment.

The selectable languages on the login screen are configurable by editing following lines in the WEB-INFconfcmisowbootstrap.xml file of your deployment:

<availablelocals display='true'>
   <!– for German also de_au.gif (Austria) or de_ch.gif (Swiss) flag available –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/de.gif" displayname="Deutsch">de</lang>
   <!– for English also en_gb.gif (British) flag available  –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/en.gif" displayname="English">en</lang>
   <!– <lang icon="/images/lang/debugmode.gif" displayname="Debug Mode (for developers only)">debugmode</lang> –>

There are two ways to translate OWD Community Edition to YOUR language

Method 1:
Open an existing properties file from the oecmlocalize_3000.jar file, translate every key value to your language, rename the properties file (e.g. to and save it to the jar file. Add the new language to the code shown above in owbootstrap.xml like in following example:

<availablelocals display='true'>
   <!– for German also de_au.gif (Austria) or de_ch.gif (Swiss) flag available –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/de.gif" displayname="Deutsch">de</lang>
   <!– for English also en_gb.gif (British) flag available  –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/en.gif" displayname="English">en</lang>
   <!– for YOUR language –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/ex.gif" displayname="Example">ex</lang>
   <!– <lang icon="/images/lang/debugmode.gif" displayname="Debug Mode (for developers only)">debugmode</lang> –>

You can even add a flag symbol for your language to the designdefault20imageslang folder of your deployment. In the code example the image was specified to be named ex.gif. After a server restart, you should now be able to choose your language from the OWD login screen.

Method 2:

Create a new properties file (e.g. and enter OWD´s keys with your respective language value. The keys for the output strings are shwon in so called debug mode. To enable debug mode, uncomment the debug mode part like in the following lines of owbootstrap.xml:

<availablelocals display='true'>
   <!– for German also de_au.gif (Austria) or de_ch.gif (Swiss) flag available –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/de.gif" displayname="Deutsch">de</lang>
   <!– for English also en_gb.gif (British) flag available  –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/en.gif" displayname="English">en</lang>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/debugmode.gif" displayname="Debug Mode (for developers only)">debugmode</lang>

Change language to Debug Mode from OWD´s login screen and you will see the original keys instead of OWD´s output strings. Add a key to the properties file with his respective "language" value like the following example:


Seperate the different key-value pairs by entering each pair in a new line. Save the new properties file into the oecmlocalize_3000.jar file. If your properties file would be named, you´d have to add the language to owbootstrap.xml like in the following example:

<availablelocals display='true'>
   <!– for German also de_au.gif (Austria) or de_ch.gif (Swiss) flag available –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/de.gif" displayname="Deutsch">de</lang>
   <!– for English also en_gb.gif (British) flag available  –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/en.gif" displayname="English">en</lang>
   <!– for YOUR language –>
   <lang icon="/images/lang/ex.gif" displayname="Example">ex</lang>
   <!– <lang icon="/images/lang/debugmode.gif" displayname="Example (for developers only)">debugmode</lang> –>

You can even add a flag symbol for your language to the designdefault20imageslang folder of your deployment. In the code example the image was specified to be named ex.gif. After a server restart, you should now be able to choose your language from the OWD login screen.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Of course feel free to attach your properties files and let them, by this way, be part of the OpenWorddesk Community Edition.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

What about support for RTL?

Kindest regards,

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Hadi,

we were able to proof support of RTL in an exemplary PoC for an OpenWorkdesk project in Dubai already.

RTL support is achieved not only through the OpenWorkdesk application itself, but also through a RTL supported web browser and operating system on the client side. If the client side web browser and operating system are supporting RTL, you just would have to change the encoding of the localize properties file to a RTL supported language, like Arabic, Hebrew, Pashto, Persian, Sindhi, Syriac, Thaana, Urdu, Yiddish, etc.

Is there a chance, that you could translate the strings on the OpenWorkdesk welcome page to your desired language, so I could demonstrate RTL support with a screenshot or by attaching the adapted RTL encoded localize properties file?

The default strings on the welcome page are the following:
- Welcome to WeWebU OpenWorkdesk (used as welcome text)
- Name (used for the username field)
- Password (used for the password field)
- Login (for the login button)
- Reset (for the reset button)

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi depf,

… RTL support is achieved not only through the OpenWorkdesk application itself, but also through a RTL supported web browser and operating system on the client side…

This is Great news
this will close a sizable gab with Alfresco

Is there a chance, that you could translate the strings on the OpenWorkdesk welcome page …

Gladly … the javascript escapes equivalent in Arabic for the strings you posted:
welcome=\u0645\u0631\u062d\u0628\u0627 \u0628\u0643 \u0641\u064a \u0646\u0638\u0627\u0645 WeWebU OpenWorkdesk
name=\u0625\u0633\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062a\u062e\u062f\u0645
password=\u0643\u0644\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0648\u0631
login=\u062a\u0633\u062c\u064a\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062f\u062e\u0648\u0644
reset=\u0645\u0633\u062d \u0627\u0644\u062d\u0642\u0648\u0644

I'll do some testing with Alfresco (may be in a month time-hopefully); if successful I'll translate it to Arabic

Best regards