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Noisy cm:content objects

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello everybody,

I recently created a Behaviour on cm:content / onCreateNode and I was really surprised to see how many objects of cm:content type or subtype are created. For example:
- page.title.user~admin~dashboard.xml
- page.full-width-dashlet.user~admin~dashboard.xml
- page.component-1-1.user~admin~dashboard.xml
- pdf {}thumbnail

And this is just a sample. I find all these objects really noisy. Indeed if I would like to do some treatment in a behaviour on cm:content I don't know what I going to modify. Thumbnail? document? some dashboard xml? And then what's happen if I modify these objects.

And I actually had one issue because I was modifying thumbnail (subtype of cm:content) I broke document previous.

I would expect in that case to work only on my documents I uploaded. Any idea how to filter? It is quite easy to filter subtypes but unfortunately some nodes are cm:content.

Thanks in advance for any help,


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The following types are skipped in the search results by default: cm:thumbnail, cm:failedThumbnail, cm:rating and aspect sys:hidden.
If you want to use behavior for cm:content then you need to skip all system files. You can do it by adding the condition into the code. Something like that:

    public void onCreateNode(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef) {

                if (applicable(childAssocRef.getChildRef())) {




    protected boolean applicable(NodeRef nodeRef) {
        return getNodeService().exists(nodeRef) &&
                !getNodeService().hasAspect(nodeRef, RenditionModel.ASPECT_HIDDEN_RENDITION) &&
                !getNodeService().hasAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_HIDDEN) &&
                !getNodeService().getType(nodeRef).equals(ForumModel.TYPE_FORUM) &&
                !getNodeService().getType(nodeRef).equals(ForumModel.TYPE_POST) &&
                !getNodeService().getType(nodeRef).equals(ForumModel.TYPE_FORUMS) &&

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thank you very much S.Palyukh for your help. Unfortunately I have tried to see if these documents had any "hidden" aspects but they don't (I am using Alfresco 5.0.c). Here the code I used:

public class ApplyConfidentiality implements NodeServicePolicies.OnCreateNodePolicy
  private NodeService nodeService;

   * Called when a new node has been created.
   * @param childAssocRef the created child association reference
    kind = BehaviourKind.CLASS,
    type = "cm:content")
  public void onCreateNode(ChildAssociationRef childAssocRef)
    if (ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT.equals(nodeService.getType(childAssocRef.getChildRef())))
      System.out.println("CM:CONTENT subType");

    for (QName qName : nodeService.getAspects(childAssocRef.getChildRef()))

    if (nodeService.hasAspect(childAssocRef.getChildRef(), RenditionModel.ASPECT_HIDDEN_RENDITION))
      System.out.println("REDITION HIDDEN");

    if (nodeService.hasAspect(childAssocRef.getChildRef(), ContentModel.ASPECT_HIDDEN))
      System.out.println("ASPECT HIDDEN");

I have got only these aspects :


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Just a guess, have you tried filtering by cm:creator or cm:modifier ?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I found how rules work in alfresco , they also use a behavior to start executing (look at the RuleTriggerAbstractBase class):

   /** the types (hardcoded) to ignore generally */
    private static final Set<QName> IGNORE_TYPES;
    /** the aspects (hardcoded) to ignore generally */
    private static final Set<QName> IGNORE_ASPECTS;
        IGNORE_TYPES = new HashSet<QName>(13);
        // Workaround to prevent rules running on cm:rating nodes (which happened for 'liked' folders ALF-8308 & ALF-8382)

        IGNORE_ASPECTS = new HashSet<QName>(13);

    protected void triggerRules(NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef)
        // Break out early if rules are off
        if (!areRulesEnabled())

       // Do not trigger rules for rule and action type nodes
       if (ignoreTrigger(actionedUponNodeRef) == false)
           for (RuleType ruleType : this.ruleTypes)
               ruleType.triggerRuleType(nodeRef, actionedUponNodeRef, this.executeRuleImmediately);

     * Indicate whether the trigger should be ignored or not
     * @param actionedUponNodeRef     actioned upon node reference
     * @return boolean              true if the trigger should be ignored, false otherwise
    private boolean ignoreTrigger(NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef)
       boolean result = false;       
       QName typeQName = nodeService.getType(actionedUponNodeRef);
       if (IGNORE_TYPES.contains(typeQName))
          result = true;
       for (QName aspectToIgnore : IGNORE_ASPECTS)
            if (nodeService.hasAspect(actionedUponNodeRef, aspectToIgnore))
                return true;
       return result;

This code is from Alfresco 4.1.5

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have tried this and it seems to work pretty well. I have improved a bit to ignore as well nodes used for the "surf-config". My result looks like this.

   * the types to ignore generally (see RuleTriggerAbstractBase)
  private static ImmutableSet<QName> IGNORE_TYPES = ImmutableSet.<QName>builder()

   * the aspects to ignoreForBehaviour generally (see RuleTriggerAbstractBase)
  public static ImmutableSet<QName> IGNORE_ASPECTS =

   * (see RuleTriggerAbstractBase)
   * determine if the node has to be ignored for a behaviour*
   * @param nodeRef ref of the node
   * @return true if the node should be ignored, false otherwise
  public boolean ignoreForBehaviour(NodeRef nodeRef)
    if (IGNORE_TYPES.contains(nodeService.getType(nodeRef)))
      return true;
    for (QName aspectToIgnore : IGNORE_ASPECTS)
      if (nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, aspectToIgnore))
        return true;
    return isSurfConfig(nodeRef);

   * Check if the node is inside a surf-config folder (E.g. of files in the surf-config folder dashboard.xml)*
   * @param nodeRef ref of the node to check
   * @return true if it's surf-config file otherwise false
  private boolean isSurfConfig(NodeRef nodeRef)
    if(nodeRef != null && nodeService.exists(nodeRef))
      if ("surf-config".equals(nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME)))
        return true;
      return isSurfConfig(nodeService.getPrimaryParent(nodeRef).getParentRef());
    return false;

If someone has a better idea he is welcome to share it Smiley Happy.

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