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newbie: CIFS setup/ configuration

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
  I just installed Alfresco on my existing Tomcat instance running on port 8080. I am trying to map a drive on the local machine to Alfresco workspace but am not successful. I think by default CIFS is enabled. I looked at online docs/ searched forums - looks like I am not missing any config setting. However, when I try to map a drive to \\<<localmachinename>>\alfresco\users\myspace I can't. In Alfresco web client when I click "View Details" and then "View in CIFS", I see that it is trying to browse to file://user homes/<<myspace>> rather than file://<<localmachinename>>/Alfresco/User Homes/myspace is given below




The file-servers.xml is given below
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CIFS Server">
      <serverEnable enabled="${cifs.enabled}"/>
      <host name="${cifs.localname}A" domain="${cifs.domain}"/>
      <comment>Alfresco CIFS Server</comment>

      <!– Set to the broadcast mask for the subnet –>
      <!– Set to the IP for the adapter for Java socket –>

      <!– Use Java socket based NetBIOS over TCP/IP and native SMB on linux –>
      <tcpipSMB ipv6="${cifs.ipv6}" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
      <netBIOSSMB bindto="${cifs.bindto}" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>

       <!– Can be mapped to non-privileged ports, then use firewall rules to forward
            requests from the standard ports –>
      <tcpipSMB port="1445" ipv6="${cifs.ipv6}" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
      <netBIOSSMB sessionPort="1139" namePort="1137" datagramPort="1138" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>

      <!– Announce the server to the workgroup/domain –>
      <!– Use enabled="false" attribute to disable announcements –>             
      <hostAnnounce interval="5" enabled="${cifs.hostannounce}"/>

      <!– Use Win32 NetBIOS interface on Windows –>

      <!– Announce the server to the workgroup/domain –>
      <!– Use enabled="false" attribute to disable announcements –>             
      <Win32Announce interval="5" enabled="${cifs.hostannounce}"/>

      <!– CIFS authentication –>
      <!– Available types are 'alfresco', 'passthru' and 'enterprise' –>
      <authenticator type="enterprise"/>
      <!– CIFS Passthru authentication sample –>
      <!– Also see the <DomainMappings> config in the 'Filesystem Security' section below –>
      <authenticator type="passthru">
      <!– CIFS Enterprise authentication sample with Kerberos –>
      <authenticator type="enterprise"/>
      <!– Disable the use of asynchronous sockets/NIO code –>
      <!– Disable the use of JNI code –>
      <!– Only currently affects Windows –>
      <!– Session timeout, in seconds –>
      <!– Defaults to 15 minutes, to match the default Windows client setting        –>
      <!– If no I/O is received within that time the session is closed by the server –>
      <!– Enable WINS if used for NetBIOS name lookups –>
      <!– CIFS server debug settings –>
      <!– Enable '' in file –>
      <sessionDebug flags="Negotiate,Socket"/>

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="FTP Server">
      <serverEnable enabled="${ftp.enabled}"/>
      <!– Run on a non-privileged port –>

     <!– IPv6 support –>
     <IPv6 state="${ftp.ipv6}"/>
      <!– FTP authentication –>
      <!– Available types are 'alfresco' and 'passthru' –>
      <authenticator type="alfresco"/>
      <!– FTP server debug settings –>
      <!– Enable '' in file –>
      <debug flags="File,Search,Error,Directory,Info,DataPort"/>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="NFS Server">
      <serverEnable enabled="${nfs.enabled}"/>

      <!– Map NFS user/group ids to Alfresco users –>     
            <user name="admin" uid="0" gid="0"/>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Filesystems">
         <!– Alfresco repository access shared filesystem –>
         <filesystem name="${}">

            <!– Add a URL file to each folder that links back to the web client –>

            <!– Mark locked files as offline –>

            <!– Desktop actions –>
            <!– Uses a client-side application to trigger a server-side action                         –>
            <!–   Echo - displays a message echoed from the server                                     –>
            <!–   URL  - launches a URL via the Windows shell                                          –>
            <!–   CmdLine - launches the Notepad application                                           –>
            <!–   CheckInOut - checks files in/out, drag and drop files onto the application           –>
            <!–   JavaScript - run a server-side script                                                –>
            <!–   JavaScriptURL - server-side script that generates a URL to the folder using a ticket –>
            <!–                   to avoid having to logon                                             –>

               <!– Other desktop actions which may be enabled –>
                    <attributes>anyFiles, multiplePaths , allowNoParams</attributes>
                    <preprocess>confirm, copyToTarget</preprocess>

            <!– Additional access control of the filesystem –>
            <!– Access type of 'none' will stop the filesystem from showing up for that user/address/protocol –>             
            <accessControl default="Write">
               <user name="admin" access="Write"/>
               <address subnet="" mask="" access="Write"/>
           <!– AVM virtualization view of all stores/versions for WCM –>
           <!– virtual view stores filter can be any of the following: normal, site, staging, author, preview –>
         <avmfilesystem name="AVM">
            <virtualView stores="site,staging,author"/>

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Filesystem Security">
      <!– Domain mappings used for passthru authentication routing              –>
      <!– Used when the client does not provide a domain name in the NTLM logon –>
          <Domain name="ALFRESCO" subnet="" mask=""/>
      <!– Custom share mapper when multi-tenancy is enabled –>
      <shareMapper type="multi-tenant">
      <!– Global access control list                                                                    –>
      <!– Applied to all filesystems that do not have an <accessControl> block                          –>
      <!– Access type of 'none' will stop the filesystem from showing up for that user/address/protocol –>             
      <globalAccessControl default="None">
         <user name="admin" access="Write"/>
         <address ip="" access="Write"/>


Please help.


ENv Details: Tomcat 6.0, Alfresco 3.2, MySQL 5.1, Windows XP

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, I managed to solve this by pulling information from other posts

1. On windows server, make sure that the machine name is not longer than 15 characters

2. Before starting the alfresco server, run this command
      netstat -an

check for an entry of If port 445 is in use then disable the local SMB service
Native SMB collisions
Native SMB can be disabled by adding the following registry key:

A reboot is required after creating this key. Setting the value to one or deleting the registry key will restore native SMB support.
In Windows 2000,2003,2008 - Port 445 is bound by default to \device\ - all devices. Use the following registry key to unbind port 445 and allow for binding by Alfresco: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters]

4. Run nbtstat -a ALFRESCO_SERVER_IP
5. Now map the drive
net use X: \\SERVER_NAMEa\Alfresco\SPACE_NAME /user:USERNAME //persistent:yes
USERNAME is Alfresco user name


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i could use help too Smiley Sad

would someone be so kind and write down a little help regarding CIFS configuration in Alfresco Community 3.2 ….
what i have here is a fresh installation of alfresco, not a single option had been changed in xml files and i am trying to make "ComputerA" show in my network places so i can add files to alfresco the easier way…

my question is; which stuff needs to be changed in xml files to make cifs work?

i am running a fresh install of windows xp with sp 3 without any software other than motherboard drivers.
the pc is in a workgroup named "HOME" with IP / 24

note: i tryied to follow these steps
and the thing didnt work… nothing happened.

if you need any other information please feel free to ask.

thank you very much in advance.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I am having the following problem:
After I have changed the location of my repository in the dir.root directive on the file, everything works fine except the CIFS service, which only works if I try it from the local server. It used to work previously with all the computers in the network. ¿Any ideas of what is going on?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm having similar problems with CIFS not working across subdomain boundaries.  Please someone help out…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making