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Mystery button in share advanced search

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm confused about something, and perhaps this is just a lesson in minding one's own business. However, I'd kind of like to learn just as a matter of principle.

I started a port of the "Advanced Search for Share" extension for my 3.3 nightly build shapshot. This adds a search panel to the document library page so you can search by metadata. My patch is here. However, the search button doesn't work, and in trying to track down why, I can't find:

  1. any code anywhere that puts a search button on the page.

  2. code that specifies an action for when the button is pressed

  3. a corresponding <button/> element when I "view page source"

all I see in the page source is an empty, named <div/>. No fields, no button, no nothing.

So where do these things come from?

Sorry for the dumb question.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
I can't tell you about the extension, but 3.3 adds advanced searching out of the box. Instead of adding a search panel, advanced searching is done via keywords (in a similar fashion to Google). If you want to search a specific metadata field, just use the field name, i.e.:
author: resplin

The syntax is documented here:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks. I knew about that. I'm looking to have the functionality exposed thru the UI, hence the extension. Smiley Happy  The search UI does appear to be on the roadmap for 3.4 (last time I checked.) Eagerly awaiting…

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
In 3.3g
Funny enough, the advanced search dialog that help build search query is there when build a RM site but just for the documents in the file Plan.

Now, for what I understand.
There is no advanced search UI for the document that are in the repository and that you can now acces through share.
There is no advanced search UI for the documents of a standard Share Site.

I agree with other poster: Alfresco really do need to straighen up the advanced search in Share. It is a major acceptance issue (and the reason I had to put my users in Alfresco Explorer last winter.)

Here I will allow myself a personal comment. Please stop adding gizmos like FaceBook interface and other cool Web 2.0 stuff and polish the search interface ! That is the bread and butter of a decent Content Management system. I think Alfresco is aiming at too many directions all at once and put aside core needs.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
In 3.3g
Funny enough, the advanced search dialog that help build search query is there when build a RM site but just for the documents in the file Plan.

Now, for what I understand.
There is no advanced search UI for the document that are in the repository and that you can now acces through share.
There is no advanced search UI for the documents of a standard Share Site.

I agree with other poster: Alfresco really do need to straighen up the advanced search in Share. It is a major acceptance issue (and the reason I had to put my users in Alfresco Explorer last winter.)

Here I will allow myself a personal comment. Please stop adding gizmos like FaceBook interface and other cool Web 2.0 stuff and polish the search interface ! That is the bread and butter of a decent Content Management system. I think Alfresco is aiming at too many directions all at once and put aside core needs.

I totaly agree with you!
This missing core feature of searching the whole repository trhrough share is very important for me.
Thats also why, I cant migrate all my users to alfresco share. I have to keep them on Alfresco explorer… what a waste of time.

Please vote for this issue on jira!

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Please vote for this issue on jira!
Or wait until the next version is out… (or keep an eye on HEAD check-ins where Adv. Search is already being added)


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Mike

Do you know if those responsible for implementing Advanced Search have kept an eye on the forums for hints as to what our business users are looking for e.g ? I've seen other good ideas mentioned on here and i really hope these are considered.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Mike

Do you know if those responsible for implementing Advanced Search have kept an eye on the forums for hints as to what our business users are looking for e.g ? I've seen other good ideas mentioned on here and i really hope these are considered.

Almost certainly not I'm afraid. The forums aren't the right place to request new features - they need to be raised as tickets in JIRA.
