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My tasks dashlet - list all high and medium priority tasks

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I would like to include a filter in my-tasks dashlet that returns all tasks that have either high or medium priority
(in other words I exclude low priority tasks).
The problem is that, as far as I know, the URL request that gets all tasks works only for finding tasks of one priority type, for example:


So how can I make filter that gets me all taks, that have either high or medium priority in my tasks dashlet. Can I use one URL request, or do I
have to combine things from 2 URL request. If later is true how do I do it? Or is there another way?

Thank you for your answers.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I have a rough idea how to do this now, but it would require to for Alfresco.util.DataTable to use
two URL for dataSource(one URl for high priority task query, the other for low priority task query).
Is this possible somehow?
How about adding two separate data tables, one for each query would that be possible somehow?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I just see two possibilities:
1. Request all tasks (no priority) via datatable and make a local filtering (
2. Modify the underlying webscript which maps to api/task-instances in the alfresco repository to load the tasks you want. This indeed is a Java class. Copy it from the alfresco source and load the class via custom-web-context.xml to override the alfresco bean.

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