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Multi tenancy / Entity relationship

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I use multi tenancy in one database with Activiti by prefixing process definitions and executions with some tenant identity. This seems to work so far. Now in case I need to remove a tenant from the database or doing a backup of only the tenant's data what about the dependencies of all those Activiti tables? Ok - some relations are quite obvious because there are foreign keys defined. But some relations are not known to the database. What are these?
Or even more specific: Given the tenant prefix "TENANT-XYZ" what do for instance select statements for all tables look like to get the desired records for just this tenant?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
There is no easy way to query other entities (eg. process, tasks) using a query that keeps in mind the processDefinitionKeyLike(…). However, you can use a special process-variable (that is set when the process is started by eg. an execution-listener or in the code that calls the startProcessInstance…) indicating what tenant the process is in, and query tasks and executions/processes based on that variable.

Other entities, don't have this kind of support built in, however with process-definitions, deployments (using category, e.g..), tasks and executions/processes covered, you can jump pretty far.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I see. I will check wether the process-variable approach can help me.

But just to make sure I understand what you say: You don't think it's possible (out of the box) to have plain sql select statements that filter all the data belonging to a specific tenant?

This is what I think might work (so far):
- act_re_procdef
select * from act_re_procdef where key_ like :tenant
- act_ru_execution
select * from act_ru_execution where proc_def_id_ like :tenant
- act_ru_task
select * from act_ru_task where proc_def_id_ like :tenant
- act_ru_event_subscr
select event.* from act_ru_event_subscr event join act_ru_execution exec on event.execution_id_ = exec.id_ where exec.proc_def_id_ like :tenant
- act_ru_identitylink
select * from act_ru_identitylink where proc_def_id_ like :tenant
- act_ru_variable
select var.* from act_ru_variable var join act_ru_execution exec on var.execution_id_ = exec.id_ where exec.proc_def_id_ like :tenant
- act_re_deployment
select deploy.* from act_re_deployment deploy where
exists(select 1 from act_re_procdef procdef where procdef.key_ like :tenant and procdef.deployment_id_ = deploy.id_)
or exists(select 1 from act_ru_execution exec join act_ru_variable var on var.execution_id_ = exec.id_ join act_ge_bytearray bytearray on var.bytearray_id_ = bytearray.id_ where bytearray.deployment_id_ = deploy.id_ and exec.proc_def_id_ like :tenant)
- act_ge_bytearray
select bytearray.* from act_ge_bytearray bytearray where
exists(select 1 from act_ru_execution exec join act_ru_variable var on var.execution_id_ = exec.id_ where var.bytearray_id_ = bytearray.id_ and exec.proc_def_id_ like :tenant)

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Sure, plain sql will give you the possibility … but you won't be able to use the out of the box Java API of Activiti.

No problem. As it's all just for a technical backup/restore I do not get much of a headache because of this 🙂

So being possible what do all the dependencies between the entities/tables look like so that I can build my sql select statements (for each table) to get only those records belong to a specific tenant.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Not sure what you mean by "dependencies"… You mean an ERD (we don't have that currently)?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Yes, that's what I am looking for. So that I can build proper select statements.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
We don't have such a diagram available. However, many tools out there can easily generate it from the DDL or database schema if you need it.

Sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation 🙂

Correct me if I'm wrong. But the problem seems to be that not all relationships are modelled via foreign keys. So some dependencies aren't obvious resp. explicit.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That's true. Everything in the runtime tables have foreign keys.

Everything in the historical tables don't have foreign keys, for performance reasons.
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