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MS Office integration - blinking...

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everybody!

I've tried to use Alfresco integration with MS Office, but…

I have installed Integration sowtware ( ), configured Web Client URL - but then I press Alfresco Icon in MS Word (2003) - window with Alfresco login blinks (refreshing?) - and there no possibility to enter password or press Enter.

Someone have experience with such kind of problem?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Smiley Surprisedops: I think "loading an Office document using WebDAV via Windows Explorer" is not the same with read/write files from/to some network place, isn't it? Is that Web Folder some special organized folder? How can check that possibility?

There is no proxy between me and Alfresco.
In Windows Explorer, create a new Network Place and browse to
Explorer knows how to speak WebDAV, so it should appear like a normal network drive.


Thank you! I'm so stupid! I haven't correctly filled WebDAV field. Now it works! Thank you!

As I understood, I also can use than Network Place (
) to migrate big count of files?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Thank you! I'm so stupid! I haven't correctly filled WebDAV field. Now it works! Thank you!
Glad it's working! Don't blame yourself - that configuration page needs a overhaul to make it far less error-prone.

As I understood, I also can use than Network Place (
) to migrate big count of files?
Yes, either the webdav or ftp interfaces are great for bulk uploads.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Well the web scripts won't have changed and are completely independent of
the actual add-in client, so I suspect there's something else going on there.
Updating the client software has no effect on workflow, tasks, etc.

Yes, and I can sometimes see it by (e., by browsing direct in the way
you suggested.  I think I'll put this to one side until I've upgraded the
server to a more recent build: that way it will either vanish painlessly, or I
will have strong suspicions about the kind of weird problems that
Windows authentication can sometimes throw up.

A final question: is there any way to persuade the Add-In to prefer

And a final, comment to follow: if I had matching builds I'd put it in the JIRA, but it may help in any case.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
On the subject of Windows authentication…

We have been seeing an issue where a user becomes completely unable to
login through the Office 2003 Add-In.  Typically the user is on a Windows
client which is part of a domain, but the Alfresco server in question is
simply using Alfreco's standalone internal authentication for the time being.
We are not trying to authenticate against the domain, and the usernames
are different.

The symptoms are that instead of seeing the Add-In's  small  pop-up
prompt for credentials, the user receives a minature version of the
Web Client login page.  However, the user is completely unable to login;
in fact, it is impossible to login with any credentials.

Further investigation reveals that the problem can usually be solved only
by logging out of the Windows machine entirely!  Furthermore, a login
of sorts can be forced through the Add-In by deleting the CIFS server

My guess  here is that Windows is doing its usual over-stubborn cacheing
of login credentials for CIFS, but for some reason these credentials are
also being used for the Add-In's HTTP login and failing.  My first guess
would by that Windows is pre-pending the Windows Computer Name of
the Alfresco CIFS server to the username as a login domain, which works
fine for a the CIFS server, but then fails for the HTTP.  Trouble is, the
Add-In is often unhappy unless the user is pre-authenticated against a
network location on the CIFS server…

For what it's worth, I've removed all sites from the Local intranet security
zone under Windows' Internet Options, and set all zones to 'Prompt for
Username and Password' for Logon Authentication, but this hasn't helped.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
hello everyone
I have a similar problem to me, can not open a document can you give me some help

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am having a similar issue with MS Office, but let me try your advice - will see if the issue goes away.