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modifying node content creates non existing creator

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I encounter a problem using Alfresco 3.4.d. I want to do a simple change in one node content when the creator is no longer existant.

What I do:
- user XX creates a node
- admin deletes user XX (the node has cm:creator property to XX)
- user YY edit the node

to edit a node , I use FileFolderService and ContentWriter classes as follow:

        NodeRef node = nodeManager.getNodeRef("TheNodeRefId");
        ContentWriter contentWriter = fileFolderService.getWriter(node);

when the user YY edits the node, Alfresco creates a new XX user with some node properties filled with the "XX" value.

Is it possible to disable the creation of the non existant creator ?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Does the same thing happen when you try to edit the node out-of-the-box without your custom code?
Like when you edit the properties, update the content, edit offline, inline editing etc, does the same thing happen? Was there any specific reason for you to write custom code for this?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for your reply.

I tried to edit a node in offline mode (downloading it, editing, and then uploading it) via the administrator interface of alfresco. It also creates the empty user with it's username as username and firstname. It seems that the problem comes from alfresco classes that acces files.

Do you think upgrading alfresco will solve the problem ?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
I have not traced through the code to check the implementation. However, I tried the same steps from alfresco webclient (just for a quick check) on 4.2.1 enterprise version and I did not see the deleted user getting created back. You may want to verify the same scenario on 4.2.1 and also you may want to trace through the code for your alfresco version to check its implementation and find out the reason why it is creating the deleted user again and choose the optimal solution either to upgrade or implement the fix in your current version based upon your feasibility.

Hope this helps.