04-12-2013 10:22 AM
<type name="cm:content">
<subtype name="my:sop" />
<config evaluator="node-type" condition="my:sop">
<show id="cm:name"/>
<show id="my:publishedDate"/>
<show id="my:authorisedBy"/>
<field id="my:authorisedBy" read-only="true"/>
04-15-2013 04:56 AM
04-22-2013 11:47 AM
04-25-2013 06:16 AM
1. Rename /tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/custom-model-context.xml.sample to custom-model-context.xml and customModel.xml.sample to customModel.xml. These two files define your custom aspect.
2. Open the customModel.xml file and add above the “</model>” tag your aspect definition
Open customModel.xml file and add your custom aspect at the end of the file, right above “</model>”. For e.g. you can add the following, this will add a custom aspect called DocumentDetails
<aspect name="custom:DocumentDetails">
<title>Document Details</title>
<property name="custom:DocumentName">
<title>Document Name</title>
<property name="custom:DocumentDescription">
<title>Document Description</title>
3, Modify web-client-config-custom.xml file in the extension folder (/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension). This will enable the new aspect to appear in the web interface of the alfresco application
Add the following XML code at the end of the file, right above </alfresco-config>. This will list our custom aspect in the business rules “Set action values” page.
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Action Wizards">
<aspect name="custom:DocumentDetails"/>
4. Add the following right after the above code block. The code below will ensure that the custom properties will be displayed in the content’s view details page.
<config evaluator="aspect-name" condition="custom:DocumentDetails">
<separator name="sepDocument1" display-label="Document Details" component-generator="HeaderSeparatorGenerator" />
<show-property name="custom:DocumentName"/>
<show-property name="custom:DocumentDescription"/>
5. Add the following right after the above code block. This code will ensure that the properties of the new aspect will appear to the advance search
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Advanced Search">
<meta-data aspect="custom:DocumentDetails" property="custom:DocumentName" />
<meta-data aspect="custom:DocumentDetails" property="custom:DocumentDescription" />
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