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Lucene search doesn't work in Share

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everybody,

I'm using document library filters to perform a search over a site content. I pass the filter and search parameters through a url (title, description and doctype) and logging the query string that is well-formed in filters.lib.js. The problem is I ain't getting any results when it's suppose I have to. But when I use the same query string in the node browser in Alfresco Explorer I get the results that I have to.

By the way, all the content in the site was migrated.

Is there a problem for the context (share) I'm using to perform the search? or maybe are the problem is about indexes?

Thanks in advanced.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Difficult to comment on without seeing some code and sample query please.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Here's the code I use to generate the query (filters.lib.js):

case "customQuery":            logger.log("llegando a custom query");      logger.log(filterData);      var filterDoctype = " AND(";      var filterDoctypeCount = 0;            filterQuery = "+PATH:\"" + parsedArgs.rootNode.qnamePath + "//*\"";            if(filterData.length > 0)            {                 var strData=decodeURI(args.filterData);                  var queryArray=strData.split(":");                 for(var i=0;i < queryArray.length;i++)                 {                    var strQuery=queryArray[i];                    var strQueryArray=strQuery.split("_");                    switch (strQueryArray[0])                    {                       case "ftx":                                          var ftterm=strQueryArray[1];                       var ftquery=" +(";                  var ftterms = ftterm.split(/\s/), x, j, t;                          for (x = 0, j = ftterms.length; x < j; x++)                          {                              t = ftterms[x];                              // remove quotes - TODO: add support for quoted terms later                              t = t.replace(/\"/g, "");                              if (t.length !== 0)                              {                                   switch (t.toLowerCase())                                   {                                      case "y":                                         if (x < j - 1 && ftterms[x + 1].length !== 0)                                         {                                               ftquery += "AND ";                                         }                                      break;                                      case "o":                                                      if (x < j - 1 && ftterms[x + 1].length !== 0)                                         {                                               ftquery += "OR ";                                         }                                      break;                                      case "no":                                         if (x < j - 1 && ftterms[x + 1].length !== 0)                                         {                                              ftquery += "NOT ";                                         }                                      break;                                      default:                                         ftquery += "TEXT:\"" + t + "\"" + " ";                                      break;                                 }                              }                        }                                                filterQuery += ftquery+") ";                     break;                                          case "doctype":                     if(filterDoctypeCount > 0)                     {                        filterDoctype +=" OR "                     }                              filterDoctype+= "TYPE:\"{posadas.model}"+strQueryArray[1]+"\"";                                          filterDoctypeCount++;                     break;                                          case "file":                                                filterQuery += " +(@cm\\:name:"+strQueryArray[1] + " OR @cm\\:name:*"+strQueryArray[1]+"*)" ;                     logger.log("filterQuery:" + filterQuery);                     break;                  case "description":                           filterQuery += " +(@cm\\:description:"+strQueryArray[1] + " OR @cm\\:description:*"+strQueryArray[1]+"*)" ;                     break;                  case "title":                          filterQuery += " +(@cm\\:title:"+strQueryArray[1] + " OR @cm\\:title:*"+strQueryArray[1]+"*)" ;                     break;                                                                                                               case "sort":                          if(strQueryArray[1]=="editdesc")                          {                             filterParams.sort = [                             {                                column: "@{}modified",                                ascending: false                             }];                          }                          if(strQueryArray[1]=="editasc")                          {                             filterParams.sort = [                             {                                   column: "@{}modified",                                ascending: true                             }];                          }                          break;                  }                }          }                 if(filterDoctypeCount > 0)      {              filterDoctype += ") ";              filterQuery += filterDoctype;      }          filterParams.query = filterQuery + filterQueryDefaults;          filterParams.query += " " + (Filters.TYPE_MAP["documents"]);          break;         default:            filterParams.variablePath = false;            filterQuery = "+PATH:\"" + parsedArgs.parentNode.qnamePath + "/*\"";            filterParams.query = filterQuery + filterQueryDefaults;            break;      }   logger.log("filterQuery:"+filterQuery);‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

And here's a fragment from the log:

11:42:21,400 User:adminkonexo DEBUG [repo.jscript.ScriptLogger] filterQuery:+PATH:"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:fiestarewards/cm:documentLibrary/*" +(@cm\:title:acapulco)
11:42:21,601 User:adminkonexo DEBUG [repo.jscript.RhinoScriptProcessor] Time to execute script: 474.61798ms

With this query I'm trying to get all documents with the word "acapulco" on their title, but I ain't gettin anything. But If I copy the same query in the node browser using the lucene search I get the right documents. If I put "*" as a wildcard without completing the word (e.g. "aca*", "*aca*") it works.

The same happens when I search for description or content.

I already tried cleaning the web browser cache, the app server too and re-indexing the content. But It keeps working erratically from share.

Thanks in advanced.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Allow me to add a bit to the topic.
It appears the Lucene search won't look under Share spaces by default. For example, if I have a couple of nodes with 'custom' aspect under Share, 'ASPECT: "cm:custom"' won't find them. If I add a PATH part to the query too, specifying to look under Share, it will find them.

Is this kind of behavior intentional, or can I consider this a bug?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
For example, if I have a couple of nodes with 'custom' aspect under Share, 'ASPECT: "cm:custom"' won't find them. If I add a PATH part to the query too, specifying to look under Share, it will find them.

Did you find a solution for this? I'm trying to do this same thing, but search.luceneSearch isn't available in Share, nor the custom aspets are found trough lucene query language Smiley Frustrated