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Lucene and Custom Model

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have a strange problem with a lucene query on my alfresco.
In my custom model I have some extra Propertys added to the content model:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<model name="dms:contentmodell" xmlns="">
   <description>Content Modell SMV Toolsystem DMS</description>

       <!– Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions –>
       <import uri="" prefix="d"/>
       <!– Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions –>
       <import uri="" prefix="cm"/>

      <!– Define a Namespace for my new definitions –>
      <namespace uri="de.esg.wsw.smv.toolsystem.dms.content" prefix="dms"/>
   <!– Type and Aspect definitions go here –>
      <type name="dms:content">
         <title>Toolsystem DMS Content</title>
            <property name="dms:docname">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="dms:filename">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="dms:standort">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="dms:dienst">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="dms:komponente">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="dms:komponenten-id">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="dms:beschreibung">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="dms:status">
               <index enabled="true">


I've some Nodes with data in it. The Property "beschreibung" has following values:
"Das ist ein Test"
"Das ist noch ein Test"

Now is use the following Query:
queryString +="+@dms\\:beschreibung:\"" + searchContent.getBeschreibung()+"\" ";
Query rQuery = new Query(Constants.QUERY_LANG_LUCENE, queryString);

If i do the query with : +@dms\:beschreibung:"D*"
Only DDD is found, but I would expect  all tree.
If I do search with:  +@dms\:beschreibung:"*test*"
I'll find the first two, as expected, but if I'll try: +@dms\:beschreibung:"*ist*"
No one is found, but I would expect same as above.

So, what ist my Problem? Ist the Query wrong? Is it a feature I dont understand? Is my Custom Model rubbish?
Please help!

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

You are doing tokenised quoted wildcards (which will do the best it can with stemming)
It looks like you are searching for a stop word - so it generates no tokens - so no results
Put = before the query term avoid tokenisation.
