03-13-2015 08:25 PM
This page contains details of local Alfresco user groups around the world. If you are involved in such a group then please add your details here. If you are a person looking to meet up with others, and none of the meetups here are convenient for you, then you should start your own. Please read Starting a Meetup for some useful tips, then list your meet-up here. You can browse previous meet-ups on Past Community Events.
The first meetup was on October 27th, 2009. Meets quarterly. Details can be found here.
This group has been created to bring together users of Alfresco. Technical and non-technical users are invited to become a member to exchange information, code, use cases, case studies, demos, and ideas. Throughout the year, we'll be hosting interactive round-table discussions on subjects such as best practices, integration, roadmap, case studies and much more. Locations and time TBD, please go to
http://www.meetup.com/BayAreaAlfresco/ for more information.
We are organising this user group through LinkedIn
Our next event will be the Brussels Hacker Room during the Alfresco Global Hackathon.
We had a successful first Meetup on December 13, 2013, in Leuven, hosted by Xenit Solutions, with 30+ participants. http://www.xenit.eu/alfresco-belgium-community-meetup
For more details please see the Boston Community Meetings space in the Alfresco Content Community.
The first meetup will be help March 1st, 2012. Details can be found here.
Our community is in Prague at Czech Republic. We can help you with something about Alfresco or Share. We have blog on http://ecm.vsemozny.cz and you can contact us on mail mailto:community@alfresco-ecm.cz.
We are specialised to workflow jBPM and Activiti, extension Share (all version) and customisation Alfresco (version 3+)
In order to bind the Alfresco User Community in the Netherlands we started to organize a drink. If there is enough interest we can 'formalize' it into a 'user group', but for the moment it is rather informal.
Jakarta Alfresco Meetup has been established in June 2011. It has already an established group of participants and is growing from meetup to meetup.
Current participants are all actively involved in Alfresco projects and have a more technical interest. So the past presentations were mainly about
technical topics and best practice related questions. Especially during the last two meetups there was an intensive discussion how to address certain problems and challenges.
On every meetup we decide on the next meetups topic. You are invited to participate actively!
Interested attendees can contact me at: alfresco dash jakarta at ecmconcepts toplevel domain org.
Alfresco users, developers, and enthusiasts in the Kansas City area are using Meetups.com to plan a meeting:
This group has been created to bring together users of Alfresco. Technical and non-technical users are invited to become a member to exchange information, code, use cases, case studies, demos, and ideas. Throughout the year, we'll be hosting interactive round-table discussions on subjects such as best practices, integration, roadmap, case studies and much more. Locations and time TBD, please go to
http://groups.google.com/group/lasalfresco for more information.
This group has been created to bring together users of Alfresco. Technical and non-technical users are invited to become a member to exchange information, code, use cases, case studies, demos, and ideas. Throughout the year, we'll be hosting interactive round-table discussions on subjects such as best practices, integration, roadmap, case studies and much more. Locations and time TBD, please go to
http://www.meetup.com/LosAngelesAlfresco/ for more information.
We are in the process of re-forming this group. Please register at here to join the conversation and get notifications of future meetings.
The purpose with this group is to bring people using Alfresco together. The focus is local cooperation and exchange of solutions, ideas and discussions on topics regarding Alfresco and content management in general. The group is registred on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2973263
You can also follow the Alfresco Community Meetup, Scandinavia.
We are forming this group. For more details see Alfresco Portuguese Community.
Our local group includes Russian speaking people from Russia, Ukraine, CIS counties and Eastern Europe. Users of Russian Speaking User Group like to share knowledges and to speak about using and configure Alfresco, develop custom solutions, exchange case studies and ideas with each other in Russian language. Russian-language forum and blog are available at http://www.ossportal.ru/. You can join one of existing technical or non-technical discussions or create your new forum topic, blog post or news.
Sometimes we hold meeting. The primary place to meet: Moscow, Russia.
Our second meetup was held on the 19th and 20th of September 2011 in Pretoria and was another huge success with Jeff Potts as our keynote speaker! More than 50 people attended. Contact us if you want more info.
First meeting will be at Alfresco Meetup conference in Madrid - Oct 20.
First meeting will be at Alfresco Meetup conference in Seville - Mar 1st.
Users of Alfresco Open Source Enterprise Content Management to exchange information, code, use cases, case studies, demos, ideas and friends. Leverage the transparency (of code and conduct) and community of Open Source. The group welcomes technical and non-technical users with the goal of creating a network of people who can be a source of information about Alfresco.
Next meeting is on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 6:30 PM
For more details, please see http://www.meetup.com/AlfrescoDC/
Hi users of Alfresco in the german captial region. If you like to speak about your expiriences and knowledge, fixes, patches and enhancements of Alfresco and if you stay around Berlin please contact me via rmunsky -AT- entwickler -DOT- com. We are working with Alfresco since nearly two years now and made a lot of enhancements, live system optimization, content modelling, PHP and Flex clients and also Spring/Groovy integration. So i guess we have a lot to talk about and can benefit from each other.
We are starting a new meetup group in the Orange County / San Diego area. We're looking to connect Alfresco end-users and developers to share knowledge and promote Alfresco community activities in the area. We're hoping to kick-off in June 2011. See http://groups.google.com/group/ocsdalfresco for more information.
We are starting a local user group in Zurich for the whole German speaking part of Switzerland. We'd like to get together on a regular basis to hear how others are using Alfresco, get to know best practices, learn about upcoming features and to network. Please let us know if you would be interested in joining us: email to info -AT- object -DOT- ch
This is an early draft for a Getting Started Guide
Please update this section with strong user groups around technology related to Alfresco that Alfresco users and developers might be interested in such as Liferay, Java, Spring, JavaScript, etc.
ASUG meets in Atlanta, Georgia
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