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LDAP Config: Not sure if groupNameAttribute is getting populated properly

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi - I have the following set-up in activiti-custom-context.xml:
<property name="queryGroupsForUser" value="(&amp;(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)
(ecommerceappaccess=MyAdminUsers))" />
<property name="groupNameAttribute" value="ecommerceappaccess" />
Here is the entry in activiti-ui-context.xml:
<property name="adminGroups">
<property name="userGroups">

For some reason "groupNameAttribute" is not getting the VALUE SET in the attribute "ecommerceappaccess", returned from LDAP search.

The value of "ecommerceappaccess" from the above config in theory should be 'MyAdminUsers'.

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
set-up in activiti-custom-context.xml:

<property name="queryGroupsForUser" value="(&amp;(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)
(ecommerceappaccess=MyAdminUsers))" />

<property name="groupNameAttribute" value="ecommerceappaccess" />

Here is the entry in activiti-ui-context.xml:

<property name="adminGroups">
    <property name="userGroups">

For some reason "groupNameAttribute" is not getting the value set in the attribute "ecommerceappaccess".

The value of "ecommerceappaccess" from the above config in theory should be 'MyAdminUsers'.

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.