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LDAP adminGroups configuration problem

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Quick question I have configured the explorer to work with LDAP, it all works well except I cannot create an admin user, i.e a user who has access to everthing in the explorer. I work in a large organization and I am not allowed the LDAP admin role, thus I though the
'property name="adminGroups"

in the activiti-ui-context.xml would help so I added a group I am in (I am in many groups):

<property name="adminGroups">
  <property name="userGroups">

But this does not work? I still do not have explorer admin access.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I face same problem

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You need to change the

  <property name="loginHandler" ref="activitiLoginHandler" />

to not use activitiLoginHandler, but a CUSTOM bean that implements the org.activiti.explorer.ui.login.LoginHandler interface.

It is the default implementation that has a hard dependency on the 'admin' group

   if (Constants.SECURITY_ROLE_ADMIN.equals(group.getId())) {

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am a begginer on Activiti.

I'm trying to get activiti to recognize the groups I set on ldap.
Reading on this post I understand that what is said on the user-guide doesn't work.

Next is what it is said on the user-guide to get activiti to recognize ldap groups:
<property name="adminGroups">
  <property name="userGroups">

If this doesn't work, would you explain how can I get activiti to recognize my custom bean that implements LoginHandler interface?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If those values are hardcoded, why does the user guide says: Add following configuration to the explorerApp bean in activiti-ui.context:
<property name="adminGroups">
  <property name="userGroups">

This is not necessary, when those values are hardcoded, isn´t it?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I tried to extend the Activiti Explorer to have a "designer" security role, so that you can write
<property name="adminGroups">
  <property name="userGroups">
<property name="designerGroups">

Therfore, I added in

<code>protected List<String> designerGroups;</code>


  public List<String> getDesignerGroups() {
return designerGroups;
  public void setDesignerGroups(List<String> designerGroups) {
    this.designerGroups = designerGroups;

In addition, the DefaultLoginHander looks like this:

for (Group group : groups) {

        if (Constants.SECURITY_ROLE.equals(group.getType())) {
          if (ExplorerApp.get().getUserGroup().equals(group.getId())) {
          if (ExplorerApp.get().getAdminGroup().equals(group.getId())) {
          if (ExplorerApp.get().getDesignerGroup().equals(group.getId())) {

Without LDAP, this worked very fine. But as soon as I switched to LDAP, my Explorer just considers the admin and the user role.
Maybe, this here is the reason:
<code>if (Constants.SECURITY_ROLE.equals(group.getType())) { </code>
Maybe, the Explorer sees the LDAP Group "activiti_designers" not as a security group. But with the two other roles (users and admins), it works fine.
In short: When using LDAP, how does the Activiti Explorer know that user and admin are security role groups?

Did I miss something?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
That was it. The Activiti Explorer did not know that the LDAP group activiti_designers is a security role. I fixed this with this line:
<code> if (Constants.SECURITY_ROLE.equals(group.getType()) || ExplorerApp.get().getDesignerGroup().equals(group.getId()))</code>

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Thanks for posting this back, this will help a lot of people!