Hi there
Thanks a lot for your comment, but as far as I understand it the webscript will be fine to perform a search or launch an action for example. But I would like Joomla to "run" a search in Alfresco, so Alfresco can return a "link" to each of the documents that matched the criteria and also the info related to the metadata liked to each document.
Once joomla receives this information we will show it up creating a component for this. My first idea was to create a WebService for Alfresco to be able to receive a query string, and return this information, but dont know if Joomla as it is PHP will be able to communicate with Alfresco Java WebService and process the java resulset.
If you think this still can be done with WebScripts, could you please explain me how can we "return" this links and metadata to Joomla?
Sorry for my qustion if this is obvious but I am getting a "mix" here between Java, WebService, WebScript, and php.
Thanks a lot in advance!!