I have some .bpmn files created with the JBPM 5 Eclipse Designer, and any attempt to import / open them in Activity Designer fails with the following message:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: findParentPool was called on a lane that has no pool as a parent
at org.activiti.designer.eclipse.navigator.diagram.LaneDiagramTreeNode.findParentProcess(LaneDiagramTreeNode.java:71)
As the error clearly states, the problem is that the diagram contains some lanes without an enclosing pool. Trying to build such a diagram with Activity Designer is not possible, because a lane can not be created outside a pool.
The JBPM 5 Designer however allows this construct and this is the cause of the problem.
I have three questions:
1 who is right with respect of the BPMN 2.0 rules ?
2 if Activity Designer is correctly implementing the BPMN 2.0 rules, a more gracefully error message when opening such a wrong diagram is imho required.
3 otherwise, if the right behaviour is thr JBPM 5 Designer behaviour, the Activiti Designer has a bug.
Before filing a bug issue (which one ?) I would like to have the advice of anyone more expert than me on the matter.
Thank you.