known issues should be listed in the Alfresco <a href="">JIRA</a>. Please be aware that some tickets logged by Enterprise customers may have their visibility restricted to protect sensitive information. Generally speaking, I am not aware of any issues that still affect IE 11 in Alfresco 4.2.4 - Alfresco has had a big push to solve IE 11 issues when it became clear that some changes within IE 11 broke a lot in the Internet Explorer compatibility layer. Issues such as <a href="">MNT-10378</a> have been addressed in Alfresco 4.2.1, with some late-arriving fixes also being part of the 4.2.2 release. Personally, I have a large customer working on 4.2.4 for the majority of this year now and have had no reports of issues with IE 11 so far.