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Just another usage of process engine

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I took activiti engine code ( I change it little bit to be able to run simulation experiments instead of process instances. But there are still a lot of references to the activiti process engine classes.

It allows to keep code up to date ( e.g. when bug is found in activiti and is resolved simulator can benefit from it).
On the other side, simulator is tighten to the activiti process engine and its releases.

I started to copy files from activiti to simulator.

What I want to keep is to be at least updated in the case when something was changed in the classes which simulator uses.

What is the best way to achieve it?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Well, I don't think there's a golden egg here. It's just a matter of keeping up-to-date with the Activiti commits and see which ones you want to apply to your project.

Best regards,