Hi Take a look at this wonderful tool http://www.zeroturnaround.com/jrebel/ if you have not! It lets you dynamically reload classes in a web app without server restart.
It is easy to configure it to reload classes and static resources (jsps, images etc) whenever updated (from your IDE). Doing this you do not need to restart Tomcat every time you make a small change to a Java class in Alfresco or your AMP.
However, everything is not working perfectly and I would like to get in touch with other users of JRebel and Alfresco to discuss configuration and best practices. For example it would be very nice to dynamically reload updated webscripts…
I'm one of the JRebel devs, we monitor certain keywords out there. It seems that a special Alfresco plugin can help in this situation. I don't know what "dynamic webscripts" are but we do have special plugins for other applications/frameworks for reloading configuration files to bring down the number of reloads/restarts necessary to see changes.