04-20-2009 09:29 AM
04-21-2009 04:41 AM
{http://www.alfresco.org/model/rule/1.0}ruleFolder workspace://SpacesStore/3491e8e5-ec96-11dd-bf4a-83b750caf13c true {http://www.alfresco.org/model/rule/1.0}ruleFolder 0
04-22-2009 07:27 AM
04-23-2009 06:02 PM
04-24-2009 04:02 AM
var docs = search.luceneSearch("PATH:\"/app:company_home/cm:my_folder/*\" AND TYPE:\"cm:systemfolder\"");
allows to get the path of the rule but if a subspace of my_folder, called "mysub", hereditate the rule how I can know the path of mysub?04-24-2009 08:33 AM
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