08-12-2007 11:19 AM
08-17-2007 05:41 AM
08-22-2007 07:18 AM
changeFile = document.copy(currentFolder);
var typeChanged = changeFile.specializeType("cm:content");
var typeChanged = changeFile.specializeType("{http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}content");
08-22-2007 08:05 AM
public boolean specializeType(String type) {
ParameterCheck.mandatoryString("Type", type);
QName qnameType = createQName(type);
if (getType().equals(qnameType) == false && this.services.getDictionaryService().isSubClass(qnameType, getType()) == true) {
this.nodeService.setType(this.nodeRef, qnameType);
this.type = qnameType;
return true;
return false;
08-23-2007 04:36 AM
08-23-2007 07:13 AM
09-04-2007 09:48 AM
The JavaScript API supports modification of the object type and setting of various properties and aspects. You can either "specializeType()" the type using that API call and clear the properties you don't want or you can try creating a new object of the desired type (again all the APIs are there - see the examples) and then setting the content property of the destination object to a copy of the source object.
09-05-2007 01:51 AM
write(ScriptContent content)
Copy the content from the specified ScriptContent (sorry, available from 2.1 Enterprise onwards).
09-10-2007 07:06 AM
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