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Java-backed Web Scripts Multithread

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have a Java-backed Web Script (like this example:

Are java webscripts already prepared for multithreading?
Or I have to put something in the <bean> configuration? Or I have to program the java class for multithreading?

In other words, is created a new object of the WebScript java class for each request or is a Singleton?

Thanks a lot!

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
By default Webscripts are declared as singletons.

If you need for a single request a new instance of the WebScript you have to declare the attribute singleton="false" in the Spring bean definition. But I never tried to use a prototype for a WebScript, I don't know if there are some issues for this.

Hope this helps.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
But I think that even declaring this attribute, if the object that creates webscripts is a Singleton, and only creates the webscript once at the begining (not one for each request), and then uses the same object, this attribute will be useless.

Am I right?

That's a fast reply! Thanks so much.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

If you declare a spring bean as not a singleton then for each invocation a new instance is created and destroyed.

I doubt that this is ever required for a web script.    If you are considering using it,  I suggest you think again.  Or post your use-case so we can debate. Smiley Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
My use case is:
1- Obtain a document (using the object ServiceRegistry.getContentService.getContentReader)
2- Using the document's data, create another document in the same folder as the original one
3- Save new data in the document created (using ServiceRegistry.getContentService.getContentWriter)

I'm interested in multithreading because I don't know if these Alfresco Interfaces (ServiceRegistry, ContentService, ContentReader and ContentWriter) are ready for it.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You have no class level "state" in the above use-case, so thread safety is not an issue.    The interfaces you are calling are all "thread safe" there will not be a problem.

However as an asside I'd avoid using the ServiceRegistry, there's no need for it if you inject your dependencies.
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