Hi All,
I am trying to submit the content from user sandbox to staging using direct publishing workflow (wcmwf:submitdirect) in Alfresco 3.3 enterprise version.
I have tried the following methodologies for content submission :
i) sandboxService.submitListAssets(sbStoreId, pathList, “jpbm$ wcmwf:submitdirect”,workflowProps, wfLabel, wfComment,expDateMap, launchDate, false, false);
ii) sandboxService.submitList(sbStoreId, pathList, wfLabel, wfComment);
I am not able to figure out the methodology for content submission in Alfresco 3.3 version since the submitListAssets method is deprecated in Alfresco 3.3.
I am able to successfully submit the content to staging with Alfresco 3.1 version with the same code (i.e using the submitListAssets method).
Please assist me on this issue.