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Is my way of customizing Share correct ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am customizing my Share application directly within the WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-sebscripts/…. folders. I am just editing the html.ftl files. Is it a dangerous way to process ? A developer told me that I had to redeploy the war files it would overwrite everything. Could this war files be redeployed without my approval by a internal event trigger or something I might not be aware of ?
I don't know how to create java classes and add them the proper way in Alfresco and I'm late on the project. I could backup the share/alfresco repositories and remove the war files for more precaution. What's your opinion ? Am I playing a risky game or can I survive without java classes ?

Thank you very much,

Best Regards


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Too many questions for at a time Smiley Happy

Is it a dangerous way to process ?
ANS:Yes, You will lost your changes in case you upgrade alfresco to new version. And will be difficult to deploy your changes to other alfresco instance. These are two major concerns.

how to create java classes and add them the proper way in Alfresco ?
For Java class related developments you need to create jar file and deploy it under WEB-INF/lib

can I survive without java classes ?
Most of your customization you will be able to do without JAVA nothing to worry.

Thanks for your answer Mits. I decided to learn how to develop java classes.