04-03-2007 03:18 AM
04-03-2007 04:47 AM
04-05-2007 01:04 PM
04-11-2007 05:50 AM
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Error during command servlet processing: Cannot reject a node that is not part of a workflow.
caused by:
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Cannot reject a node that is not part of a workflow.
04-12-2007 06:26 AM
05-28-2007 04:46 AM
Workflow command: 'approve' executed against node: workspace://SpacesStore/e5141662-0cf2-11dc-9a6e-43ef1d284563
05-29-2007 10:10 AM
05-31-2007 10:20 AM
06-27-2007 02:42 AM
06-28-2007 06:39 AM
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