12-04-2007 05:09 PM
12-05-2007 01:06 PM
02-11-2008 01:04 PM
04-30-2008 01:10 AM
05-02-2008 10:10 AM
Then there’s also the concept of free as in free choice and one of the things that Eclipse does, which I think is really remarkable is that it allows you to choose whether you want to pay for something or not pay for something. Let me give you the example of support. There are companies in the Eclipse ecosystem that you can pay them to support Eclipse for you or if you choose not to buy support, you could fix the bugs yourself because all of the source code is available or if you choose not to do that, you could submit bugs through Bugzilla to Eclipse and hope the people on the projects fix them. So, you can choose time waiting for people to fix them, you can choose doing it yourself, or you can choose money where you pay someone to do it. So, you have the opportunity to choose which way that’s going to be and I think that’s one of the real powers of open source is that it gives you that choice to how to spend your time and money. It doesn’t force you into a particular vendor’s model of you have to pay for support or you have to wait two years for the next version or whatever it is.â€
05-02-2008 10:19 AM
1. Source code is CLOSED. We have only dirty HEAD code. Fixes from community as long as fixes from alfresco team is not in HEAD. Community assist to make ENTERPRISE version more stable but this stability inaccessible for community. It's stealing towards us (Community). We help make Alfresco better ECM but only for commecial users. I have colorful example on statments above: in one of my projtcts I've use Alfresco CE 2.1. After clean install on my portal (liferay 4.2.2) I try to upload some content - exception. 100% reproducable. I search in JIRA and WOW - bug is fixed ONLY for ENTERPRISE
2. Developer documentation is inaccessible. See at Spring, Hibernate, Apache projects (all used in Alfresco) - developer documentation is open and absolutly free. In case of Alfresco we have some small wiki articles - not more. Many of them is out of date.
Alfresco CE is not intended for production usage! It's my bloody expirience.
05-02-2008 12:13 PM
05-02-2008 12:15 PM
CE never was nor will be intended for Production use - it it intended for the Community as Jean notes above.
05-02-2008 01:04 PM
05-02-2008 01:25 PM
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