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Integration with a large LDAP directorry

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am currently implementing a Proof of Concept of an application integrating Activiti in a huge organization. Of course, LDAP integration is needed. I am aware that this topic has been discussed like thousand times on this forum and, in particular, I am aware of this link  :

The problem is that all the integration samples I have seen  between Activiti and LDAP involve at some point loading to memory the complete list of users and groups from the LDAP. From the above :

//TODO: get all users from your identity domain and convert them to List<User>

This does not seem wise to me for a LDAP with 80000+ entries. Has anybody any insight on integrating the Activiti Engine with a large LDAP repository ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello Luke,

without having looked too deeply into this:

What prevents you from delegating the search calls etc. to your LDAP-server? I see you reason why you should be obligated to retrieve a list of all users from your LDAP which is indeed a bad idea. Smiley Happy Translate the API-calls to LDAP-queries/searches and convert the result into the appropriate data objects.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
//TODO: get all users from your identity domain and convert them to List<User>

The "get all users" query could be called by the engine, but I am not sure it is called at all. For example, when you start the web-explorer, than is caches 25 users, not all the users (I dont really know your application architecture). Try to check the engine code and see if there is such a query - I believe you will not find it.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you for you answers.
I am going to investigate about that…  As roig said, I am under the impression that neither the explorer nor the engine are using the method, but I am not sure yet.
