I want to make cutomise hrm form for alfresco. I have follow the below link. But i am not found the ( Set "Server deployer" to /alfresco/jbpm/deployprocess. ) option in Eclipse. How to setup the Set "Server deploye" to eclipse for alfresco development. Please help me ASAP
You will need to work with jBPM 3, as jBPM 4 does not seem to be supported by Alfresco yet.
Download the latest jbpm-jpdl-3.x (somehow version 3.2.6.SP1 is newer and works better than 3.3.1.GA). If you don't have Eclipse already, download it and install it. Execute the downloaded jBPM installer jar: java -jar jbpm-installer-3.*.jar During the installation, select only jBPM3 standalone. If it asks for a JBoss location and you don't have JBoss, just enter /tmp or equivalent. Don't pay attention to the database question. To install JBoss jBPM Process Designer, open Eclipse and follow these instructions. The archive is in the designer directory where you installed jBPM3. When you are done, open Eclipse's preferences and open the JBoss JBPM section. Create a new "Runtime location" pointing to the directory where you installed jBPM. Set server name and port to where your Alfresco is (for instance localhost and 8080) Set "Server deployer" to /alfresco/jbpm/deployprocess. Now find activation.jar in your Alfresco install (usually in tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib) and copy it to jBPM3's lib directory. You can now create a new "JBoss jBPM Process Project" in Eclipse, and a new "JBoss jBPM Process Definition" within it. Never close the diagram tab that appeared, because a bug may prevent it from being opened again (closing Eclipse is OK). ####################################################################################################### —