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Installing Activiti in OSGI based App. Server Geronimo 3.0.1

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Today I started trying this tool, installing the .WAR files into a Geronimo Application Server 3.0.1 (OSGi).

I noticed that them were installed without any error, but the url assigned to each application was wrong. 

As an example, inspecting WEB-INF/web.xml at activiti-explorer.war, I found the tag id="WebApp_ID", and that is the URL that the Geronimo used to build the URL of this application (same with activiti-rest.war). 

The problems are:
1.  Wrong url name (http://localhost:8080/WebApp_ID
2.  Same problem when you install activiti-rest which start an URL address conflict.


I just changed the tag "id" located in WEB-INF/web.xml to "activiti-explorer" and "activiti-rest" on each WAR files, and I was able to find the application at: http://localhost:8080/activiti-explorer and http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest.

I don't know if this problem affect other application servers as well.  Could it be possible to make this update into next maintenance release version?



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
we'll take it into consideration for sure in a future release.