i'm trying to install Activiti to test it. Everything works fine but when i start the installation via ant demo.start and the browser windows get opened, nothing than an 404 Page ist shown. [attachment=0]Bildschirmfoto 2011-03-30 um 22.36.15.png[/attachment]
Here some hardfacts:
System: Mac OS X 10.6.6 Apache Ant: 1.8.2 Activiti 5.3 Tomcat works fine, the system page is shown under http://localhost:8080/
Here ist the Terminal-Code:
cfg.create: [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/setup/build/activiti-cfg [zip] Building zip: /Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/setup/build/activiti-cfg.jar [echo] copying configuration to ../workspace/activiti-engine-examples/src/main/config [unzip] Expanding: /Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/setup/build/activiti-cfg.jar into /Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/workspace/activiti-engine-examples/src/main/config
h2.start: [launch] launching cmd '/Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/apps/h2/h2.start.sh ' in dir '/Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/apps/h2' [launch] waiting for launch completion msg 'TCP server running on'… [launch] TCP server running on tcp:// (others can connect)
tomcat.start: [launch] launching cmd '/Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/apps/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/bin/startup.sh ' in dir '/Users/philipppbaldermann/Downloads/activiti-5.3/apps/apache-tomcat-6.0.32/bin' [launch] waiting for launch completion msg 'Using CLASSPATH:'… [launch] launched process completed
And when you refresh the page? Sometimes it happens that the browser opens before apps are deployed on tomcat. Is there any stacktrace in your tomcat-log (logs/catalina.out)?