I' ve installed the jboss 4.2.2 with jboss portal 2.6.4 package. Then I've downloaded the alfresco-community-war-2.9.0B package and deployed it. Changed the database (now it it running on mysql 4.1.XX). It is running on a windows 2000 with jdk 1.5.0_14. I seems that it all is running fine. If I call localhost:8080/alfresco I get the alfreso startpage and can log in as admin.
1. As I understand at this point there is no running alfresco WCM. Am I right? 2. I would like to use alfresco as repository in jboss portal. Where can I find the alfresco portlet which is announced in the portletswap area of jboss? Can I use alfresco instead of jackrabbit in JBoss portal? Is there any documentation for this?
If you run: localhost:8080/alfresco then you are running Alfresco in just Jboss, not Jboss Portal. To run Jboss Portal, you need to use localhost:8080/portal and configure Alfresco in from there.
As to running WCM - why are you not running it :?: I think you have probably been misinformed.