After much of fooling around, I'm now able to switch the Alfresco Tomcat package to run as service when Windows starts. Here is what I did :
- Add Windows environmental veriable :
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06
OPENOFFICE_PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program
- Add scheduled task to run batch file "start_oo.bat" when Windows starts, the file is in C:\Alfresco
- Set the dir.root in repository.properties file, it is located in C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\, change it to an absolute path, e.g. dir.root=C:/Alfresco/alf_data
- Add Tomcat service, in C:\Alfresco\tomcat\bin, run the batch file by type in "service install", a "Apache Tomcat" service will be added, change the startup option to automatic.
I think that's it. If there should be other steps to be done, please kindly advise.