i am trying to inject UserService but it throws NullPointerException when i try to use it.
public class CreateUser implements JavaDelegate{
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateUser.class);
//inject user service and group service
private UserService userService;
private GroupService groupService;
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
//get process variables
String userName = (String) execution.getVariable("userName");
String userEmail = (String) execution.getVariable("userEmail");
Long userId = (Long) execution.getVariable("userId");
System.out.println(userService + "<<<>>>" + groupService);
LOG.info(userService + " is userService object");
//create new user
User user = userService.createNewUser(userEmail, userName, "", userId.toString(), "TCS", UserStatus.ACTIVE, AccountType.ENTERPRISE, userId);
gives null pointer exception at userService.createNewUser(..)
thanks in advance