02-11-2008 09:58 PM
directory AFTER shutting down tomcat.index.recovery.mode=FULL
Reindexing transaction: xxxxx
messages which will help you figure out what is going onlucene.indexer.batchSize=1000
from its really high value. This breaks the index recovery into chunks and has the happy effect of flushing to disk the lucene indexes to the lucene-indexes directory. This flushing makes the log percentage indicator more accurate and seems to prevent nasty risks like the disk running out of space or the JVM running out of heap from being oh so heart breakinglucene.indexer.mergeFactor=1000
from 10 . However I did not benchmark this change in any rigorous fashion.index.recovery.mode=AUTO
instead of FULL.02-20-2008 07:51 AM
03-21-2008 05:14 AM
07-15-2008 06:17 AM
08-05-2008 05:13 PM
The index rebuild is now multi-threaded.
08-05-2008 07:43 PM
07-03-2009 09:47 PM
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