05-01-2007 10:10 AM
05-02-2007 10:54 AM
I can't, for the life of me, get the #include directive to work within a freemarker "Presentation Template"
05-02-2007 01:48 PM
<#assign header = companyhome.childByNamePath["Data Dictionary/Presentation Templates/RoofHeatTemplates/header.ftl"] >
<#include "header.ftl" >
in the main ftl file.org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Error during template servlet processing: Error during processing of the template 'Error reading included file workspace://SpacesStore/90568487-f768-11db-a73d-7b34ccb063d2/header.ftl'. Please contact your system administrator.
caused by:
org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.TemplateException: Error during processing of the template 'Error reading included file workspace://SpacesStore/90568487-f768-11db-a73d-7b34ccb063d2/header.ftl'. Please contact your system administrator.
caused by:
freemarker.template.TemplateException: Error reading included file workspace://SpacesStore/90568487-f768-11db-a73d-7b34ccb063d2/header.ftl
caused by:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: Template workspace://SpacesStore/90568487-f768-11db-a73d-7b34ccb063d2/header.ftl not found.
05-03-2007 07:38 AM
05-03-2007 11:35 AM
05-03-2007 05:08 PM
05-04-2007 08:52 AM
08-03-2007 11:06 AM
08-06-2007 05:45 AM
08-06-2007 10:51 AM
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