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Inbound email config. with imap/smtp PDF Attachment parsing

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have seen some posts which offer some insight into a few questions, but I need to have more information before I set of on a specific pathway for my deployment.

I am looking for a way to import PDF document into the repository automatically, directed to a specific share folder. Inside that folder I wish for them to either create a new subfolder based on a single metadata field or if the metadata matches an existing folder already, to just route to the correct folder automatically. Eventually I would like to have them version upon eachother, but thats secondary.

Some potential solutions I have been researching

I have seen ops software which appears to handle this function out of the box, but do not know what price range that soultion lies in. I will be contacting them Monday.
I have seen that imap/smtp inbound email built-in options which from my reading appear to handle the importing of attachments from email.
I am interested in creating a folder with a "cron" that pulls all documents into the specified share folder.

Ideas, suggestions, and anything else. Thanks

A bit of background, Alf 3.2 running on Win7 behind simple router.

****A hard night of working and I have it setup now to get the messages moved into alfresco, now I just need to stip off the attachment…for the moment

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Okay so l got the IMAP figured out and have a Thunderbird client sitting on the same server box and it is able to handle incoming messages with attachments and send them into the correct folder in my spaces. (just use the rules/actions) So what I am working on now is getting a rule established for inbound emails that will allow me to separate the attachment from the .eml file inbound.

I will briefly go over what I changed to get the imap running. FYIO

1. Make sure to go to the alfresco-global file located in[size=150] \tomcat\shared\classes[/size] and change the settings for IMAP to reflect…


# IMAP RM exclusion

2. I am using localhost as I have my box nested and secured but this does not encrypt communications between thunderbird and alfresco, dodgy in a production environment.
3. In thunderbird you can use admin@localhost and localhost for the imap username and server address
4. I have an email server also running from this box and will configure its imap services once I am satisfied with the stability of this method, which will then replace thunderbird. You can setup routing rules in thunderbird
(in thunderbrid you can change the settings to not sync with local folders on files over 1kb and this will speed up the sync, open, close and other various transaction times….

Now I could still use help on getting the pdf file extracted from the .eml file if anyone has that knowledge

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Once you have the imap working you can enable in the alfresco-global config file to enable automatic seperation of attachments. All is working well now. Alfresco is amazing

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

What parameter(s) need to be set in the global alfresco config file to enable the separation of the PDF file?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
jollymon …

"Once you have the imap working you can enable in the alfresco-global config file to enable automatic seperation of attachments. All is working well now. Alfresco is amazing"

What changes are you talking about? I have read a couple of your posts and you do not mention what that change is.

Help would be appreciated.