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Importing a simple model from signavio doesn't work

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
There is only a simple swimpool in the model, bpmn20.xml as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlnsSmiley Surprisedmgdc="" xmlnsSmiley Surprisedmgdi="" xmlns:signavio="" xmlns:xsi="" exporter="Signavio Process Editor," exporterVersion="" expressionLanguage="" id="sid-1dc0c08b-dc58-4e3f-a261-4a62d4f84a3a" targetNamespace="" typeLanguage="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<collaboration id="sid-2a4e4f3c-cf23-4f17-9011-5c9ead185841">
<participant id="sid-746920E9-33E2-4546-A4AF-8A4A11B106E2" name="User" processRef="sid-034b1247-dbc9-48ca-9890-b1d136a5c6ad">
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#ffffff"/>
<process id="sid-034b1247-dbc9-48ca-9890-b1d136a5c6ad" isClosed="false" name="User" processType="None">
<laneSet id="sid-044434e2-7760-440f-a3b4-6ec7d0c1e068">
<lane id="sid-D6B71C64-D61C-4621-8947-D02404BFB278">
<signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue=""/>
<bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="sid-ad03adca-c78c-4d27-882d-a0cdd06666d0">
<bpmndi:BPMNPlane bpmnElement="sid-2a4e4f3c-cf23-4f17-9011-5c9ead185841" id="sid-9d3d4578-dfa5-41fb-9833-d1a715164ae7">
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-746920E9-33E2-4546-A4AF-8A4A11B106E2" id="sid-746920E9-33E2-4546-A4AF-8A4A11B106E2_gui" isHorizontal="true">
<omgdc:Bounds height="250.0" width="600.0" x="0.0" y="96.0"/>
<bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-D6B71C64-D61C-4621-8947-D02404BFB278" id="sid-D6B71C64-D61C-4621-8947-D02404BFB278_gui" isHorizontal="true">
<omgdc:Bounds height="250.0" width="570.0" x="30.0" y="96.0"/>

The error message is "Deployment failed: Invalid reference in 'bpmnElement' attribute, process sid-2a4e4f3c-cf23-4f17-9011-5c9ead185841 not found | Model03.bpmn20.xml | line 15 | column 126"

Is there anything I should modified in BPMN.xml?

Thanks in advanced.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

In the current version we don't support lanes and pools yet.
So therefore you get this error message. In trunk there's some work being done that would solve these issues.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have a similar error while importing a model from signavio into activiti exlorer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlnsSmiley Surprisedmgdc="" xmlnsSmiley Surprisedmgdi="" xmlns:signavio="" xmlns:xsi="" exporter="Signavio Process Editor," exporterVersion="" expressionLanguage="" id="sid-51a283a1-d208-4131-8e3b-48efe862ce4a" targetNamespace="" typeLanguage="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
   <process id="sid-958b01a0-6774-4f3d-b7bc-e33eef8a8de7" isExecutable="false">
      <subProcess completionQuantity="1" id="sid-94B3ADAB-60EC-4645-B1ED-EA333F769498" isForCompensation="false" name="" startQuantity="1" triggeredByEvent="false">
   <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="sid-675da639-cd56-4f87-aa6a-5140ea24ea0a">
      <bpmndi:BPMNPlane bpmnElement="sid-958b01a0-6774-4f3d-b7bc-e33eef8a8de7" id="sid-f504807a-27ed-4d33-a7d6-6effc423a37f">

Here activiti explorer reports that id sid-958b01a0-6774-4f3d-b7bc-e33eef8a8de7 could not be found for bpmnElement (BPMNPlane). I stumbled across this bug-issue which seems to be solved, but only for 5.10: So are there any possibilities to solve this issue before 5.10? What element in Signavio Modeler does BPMNPlane correspond to?

Thanks in advance,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
ok, while comparing a working bpmn20.xml file with our test-bpmn20.xml file we noticed that our file has an isExecutable="false" flag set. On removing this flag, which is automatically set by Signavio Modeler (don't know how to disable that atm), the processing of the pbmn20.xml files continues. So is there an option to set isExecutable="true" in Signavio Modeler automatically?

Moreover we noticed that Signavio adds a name="" attribute to associations from an intermediate compensation event to a task, wich Activiti Explorer on deployment dosn't like at all.

And is there a way to set the id='…' fields from Signavio Modeler? Though we fill in values in ProcessID we end up with some generated sid-… values which does not provide any (human understandable) meaning to the xml-file itself
