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Import XML and Associate with Form

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm trying to import my XML content into WCM. Copying and pasting isn't a good idea due to the large number of files and the possibilities of resulting errors. So, I would rather automatically import them by copying them across.

To test it out I created a form (simple.xsd) and then created the file test.xml using the form. I then saved test.xml as text_import.xml and modified it to look like:

<!– test_import.xml –>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pm:content xmlns:pm="" xmlns:alf="" xmlns:chiba="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:xf="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <pm:name>imported test</pm:name>
  <pm:description>this test is an import!&lt;br /&gt;</pm:description>

After browsing to this test_import.xml I clicked edit and was given the standard "save this file…" etc. rather than being able to edit through the nice simple.xsd form that appears when I edit the original, test.xml.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this type of operation not supported?

Thanks in advance.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
what you want to do is possible - though inconvenient.  there are two options:

1) create some xml content using the form, and then update the generated xml asset with the imported content.

2) set a node property on the content you've created using the AVMRemote api.  i believe someone from eyestreet has posted a utility for doing this.  the node property that needs to be set is
{}parentformname    = <form_name>