07-10-2014 07:06 PM
def insertUser(user:User) = {
val user = identityService.newUser(user.id.toString)
07-11-2014 12:31 AM
protected void initDefaultCommandConfig() {
if (defaultCommandConfig == null) {
defaultCommandConfig = new CommandConfig().setContextReusePossible(true);
07-11-2014 10:13 AM
07-14-2014 01:31 AM
try {
User secondUser = identityService.newUser("testuser2");
if (true)
throw new RuntimeException();
fail("Exception should have been thrown");
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
assertEquals(0, identityService.createUserQuery().userId("testuser2").count());
creates user object with Id set. identityService.saveUser(secondUser);
persists object into the DB.Tags
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