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How to store only metadata for an object of type sys:base or cm:object?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
How to store only metadata for an object of type sys:base or cmSmiley Surprisedbject? I have a type which is sub-type of sys:base. I need to store the metadata of it.

My doubts are:
1. Where should the data be stored?

2. How to retrieve the data, as in content and folder you can see the appearance as icon in the company home or user home etc. How does the metadata appear in a folder(is it like an icon of cm:abject)?

3. With reference to the question posted earlier in this forum ( should the object be of type cm:content to store the metadata (except that they do not have a content property). Is there anyway to create metadata other than being subtype of cm:content?

Thank you

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
1) metadata would be in the usual places, properties, aspects and associations of the node.
2) Share only works with files and folders.   sys:base and cmSmiley Surprisedbjects are not shown    IIRC alfresco explorer does display non file nodes although it may take a bit of config.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

If the question is still actual, then:
You can use Alfresco data lists to store metadata only objects. So you can view objects in a table (datagrid). Alvex extension can be helpful if you want to make data lists smarter. It adds search for an object on any field, custom page to view metadata, configurable columns in a datagrid, auto numbering of the objects.



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