I have created my own custom Content Model and it has two <type> elements which reperesents two Nodes and a <child-association> element and i want to create association between these two <type> elements by using this <child-association> Can any one tell me how to do this like…
1.Is it possible or not?
2.If possible how i can set value for this child-association,
3.if not what is the use of this child-assocation element
4.how i can achive giving association between two nodes
My Content Model is here…
<type name="sam:fileBasedContent">
<title>Document Content</title>
<property name="sam:category">
<mandatory enforced="true">true</mandatory>
<child-association name="sam:employee">
<title>Employee Details</title>
<type name="sam:employeeDetails">
<title>Document Content1</title>
<property name="sam:name">
If any one can post some code sample then it will be very much help full for me to solce my issue?