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How to search for links (nodes of type app:filelink or cm:link) in Alfresco Share?

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Star Contributor
I'm on Alfresco 4.0.2 and want to be able to search for nodes of types cm:content as well as cm:link or app:filelink.

When I look directly into the Solr index, I see that all types are indexed there. But when I search within Alfresco Share, link (nodes of type cm:link or app:filelink) are not returned, even though the search term is in their cm:name property, same as it's cm:content equivalent. I checked this in the node browser.

Both cm:content as well as cm:link have cm:cmobject as it's parent and the cm:name property is set to be indexed, which works in Solr.

Therefore, somewhere between Solr and the response returned to the client, Alfresco is doing some filtering and excluding links, I assume. I try to find the relevant code, but have not yet been successful.

I have looked at search.lib.js (/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/slingshot/search/search.lib.js) and found one spot which I thought could be relevant, changed it (see out-commented line below) and reloaded the web scripts, but it still does not have the result I am looking to achieve. Still, only cm:content and cm:folder types are displayed.

  // ensure a TYPE is specified - if no add one to remove system objects from result sets
  if (ftsQuery.indexOf("TYPE:\"") === -1 && ftsQuery.indexOf("TYPE:'") === -1)
     //ftsQuery += ' AND (+TYPE:"cm:content" +TYPE:"cm:folder")';
     ftsQuery += ' AND (+TYPE:"cm:content" +TYPE:"cm:folder" +TYPE:"cm:link" +TYPE:"app:filelink")';

Where does Alfresco filter out certain search results, such as specific types like cm:link or app:filelink?


When I search by name through the Javascript console,

var nodes = search.luceneSearch("@name:texas");
for each(var node in nodes) {
    logger.log( + " (" + node.typeShort + "): " + node.nodeRef);

…all types are included in the search results (in my case, three results). This is the result that I would also like to achieve through the regular Share site search. The highlighted result is the node that does not appear in the regular Alfresco Share search results:
<a href=""></a>


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I found the relevant code section:

It's in search.lib.js, where the results are filtered by

      if (node.isContainer || node.isDocument)

I adjusted the section and now it works. Of course this hack in the core js lib below is just for testing, the function should be overriden outside the core somehow.

* Returns an item of the document library component.
function getDocumentItem(siteId, containerId, pathParts, node)

   // PENDING: how to handle comments? the document should
   //          be returned instead
   // check whether we already processed this document
   if (checkProcessedCache("" + node.nodeRef.toString()))
      return null;
   // check whether this is a valid folder or a file
   var item = t = null;
   if (node.qnamePath.indexOf(COMMENT_QNAMEPATH) == -1 &&
       !(node.qnamePath.match(DISCUSSION_QNAMEPATH+"$") == DISCUSSION_QNAMEPATH))
      if (true || node.isContainer || node.isDocument)
         item =
            site: getSiteData(siteId),
            container: containerId,
            nodeRef: node.nodeRef.toString(),
            tags: ((t = node.tags) !== null) ? t : [],
            path: pathParts.join("/")
         item.modifiedBy = getPersonDisplayName(item.modifiedByUser);
         item.createdBy = getPersonDisplayName(item.createdByUser);
      if (node.isContainer)
         item.type = "folder";
         item.size = -1;
      else if (node.isDocument)
         item.type = "document";
         item.size = node.size;
      } else {
         // added MLN
         item.type = "document";
         item.size = 1;
   return item;
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