I was exploring Activiti, and wanted to understand how will it scale if it started to get lot of requests. In my application, we will have a series of asynchronous tasks without any user task.
I was reading that " The job executor is a component that manages thread that fire timers and asynchronous tasks" from "Activiti in Action". But I am not able to find how to tweak this configuration and change max number of threads, Not able to find it here as well: http://www.activiti.org/userguide/#N1015A.
Please let me know how to do that and what other things I should look which can help scalability.
The JobExecutor can be overriden in the ProcessEngineConfiguration. So if you would like to tweak the JobExecutor you can create your own implementation (that for example extends from DefaultJobExecutor).
There are JobExecutor implementations in activiti sources (e.g. org.activiti.crystalball.simulator.processengine.jobexecutor.SimulationDefaultJobExecutor). How to use it - see org.activiti.spring.test.jobexecutor.SpringJobExecutorTest.